Saturday, October 21, 2006


We recently hand delivered a copy of this letter to most householders in Witley. If you know of anyone in our community who has not received a copy, please direct them to this website.

We circulated our first leaflet towards the end of August and promised to keep you updated. Considering we were in the holiday season the email response to T-Mobile was very encouraging; others wrote directly by mail.

T-Mobile’s original letter, sent only to a selection of villagers, incorrectly stated that a named Waverley Councillor had recommended the site which was untrue. The story was picked up by the Surrey Advertiser and T-Mobile was forced to retract by writing to the same people to apologise.

They now express the view that they are unwilling to agree to a public meeting in the conventional sense. Instead they have proposed that they hold a “surgery” where villagers can drop in to ask questions and make their feelings known. Frankly that is open to their interpretation and we can see no merit in such a suggestion.

A written presentation was made to Jeremy Hunt, our MP, who includes phone masts among his Top 10 Priorities. He has copied our thoughts to the Chief Planning Officer of Waverley so they are now expecting an approach.


We randomly contacted a few residents to meet and discuss things and this took place on Tuesday 19th September. Attending were representatives of Wheeler Lane, Little London, Cramhurst Lane and Khartoum Road. Of special interest is that one is a former Waverley Councillor. Another works for Guildford Planning while a third has built a wealth of knowledge handling similar planning approaches in Milford; we have valuable expertise at hand.

We were joined by both of our Waverley Ward Councillors, Elizabeth Cable and Adam Taylor-Smith. For the most part, they could not actively participate in the debate as both undertake Planning duties. Keith Webster from Milford Ward of Waverley (The mast would overlap both villages) was also present and his hands are not so tied.

Adam joined us during the meeting having, coincidentally, attended a mast debate at Waverley beforehand. He was able to tell us that the first stage of a proposal to employ a technical man in this field had been approved. Whether this can be organised in time to assist us remains to be seen.

We learned that, within Waverley, a mechanism exists whereby the Council can invite parties to attend a Forum chaired by Waverley, using their rules, each side state their case and can pose questions of the other.

While not an open debate, the representatives would make a formal presentation within the prescribed time allowed. Members of the public can attend and sit in the Public Gallery but would not be allowed to participate. Waverley would be entitled to ask questions.

This seemed an eminently sensible suggestion and forces both sides to be open and frank and, because it would be tightly focussed, ensures central issues do not become obscured by lesser matters and obviates the need for the so called Surgery. It also ensures that anyone who is interested can attend and there is every possibility that the session would be broadcast live
on the internet using the Web-Cast system installed at the Borough.


All who attended our meeting are willing to continue to be involved but we are conscious that any Presentation would be made on behalf of Witley (with an overlap into parts of Milford) and we currently have no formal mandate to assume that role. It would be open to us to make our own case at any Forum but far better to know we act with village backing.

Our suggestion is very simple. Please allow us to act as the voice of Witley and we shall ensure that any issues raised in objecting to the mast proposals are covered if relevant to the planning or conservation issues. Of course the final decision is taken by Waverley.

In the event we hear nothing from you we shall assume that you agree with this and are willing for us to represent the Witley view. On the other hand, if you would prefer to have further input, just pick up the phone or email and we shall ensure that your views are properly taken into consideration or that you have greater involvement.

We have already heard from many of you and if you did write please rest assured that we have already taken your points on board. There is one “BUT” and this is important. It is the firm view of Central Government that the question of Health comes within their mandate and cannot be left to local Planning Authorities to act as judge.

Certainly the worries can be aired in outline, but health cannot be regarded as a main plank to object nor can we do other then draw attention to the possible adverse effects on property values. In fact to concentrate unduly upon either aspect could do harm to our cause. We intend to focus upon the Planning aspects themselves (there are a number of issues) and the fact the site proposed is zoned as Green Belt and thus there are conservation issues and potential loss of village amenities.


We have arranged to receive Phone Coverage Maps of the locality and hope to meet T-Mobile’s consultants in Witley to drive them around the area to allow them to understand our views at first hand and discuss what alternatives might be considered without affecting so many people. Once that has been achieved then hopefully Waverley will invite both sides to a Forum.

Cathy Francis has agreed to accept the role of acting as spokesperson. She teaches Business Studies in a London College; a former Waverley Councillor her duties included being Vice Chairman of a Planning Committee.


Finally, and we must ask you to forgive us, designing, printing and distributing a thousand leaflets takes considerable time and some expense. We do not intend to distribute further leaflets to update progress but will keep all who have e-mailed updated and ask you to spread any news to others. If you have yet to supply your email address, just email us now to be added to the list.

If and when a formal meeting is agreed or final decisions made we promise to contact everyone who appears on our e-mail list and matters will doubtless also receive coverage in both the Surrey Advertiser and The Messenger.

Lizzy and Ron Greenman

Gharial, Wheeler Lane, Witley, GU8 5QT
Tel: 01428 683 687


Cathy Francis, Cramhurst Lane
Nicky Powis, Wheeler Lane
Ben Jones, Milford
Edward Walker, Little London
Alan Marjoram, Khartoum Road
Lizzy Laczynska, Wheeler Lane
Ron Greenman, Wheeler Lane
2/3 others could not be present due to holidays


A new website called “Witley Matters” has been set up by Jack Lee to provide information for village residents:


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